Friday, August 22, 2014

A super exciting pre-race Friday night

How true is this for race training?  I constantly find myself mapping out a run before I head out, and then when my GPS registers short, I run up and down my street until I hit that "#.00" mark.  My neighbors probably think I'm lost...or weird.  I'm sure it's that, and not because when I start my run, I walk back and forth with my arm in the air waiting for my GPS signal. :)

I volunteered tonight at Performance Running for tomorrow's half marathon.  I've volunteered for races before but never handed out race packets to excited scared pumped up runners the night prior to a race.  I'm sure I'll be regretting standing on my feet for four hours tomorrow but tonight was fun.  I love to chat with other runners about an upcoming race and let's not forget that I was at Pro for all that time so in my downtime, I caught up on my Runner's World and browsed around looking at new products.  I also picked up some bodyglide as I ran out on Wednesday and every runner knows you do not want to be without that.

As I have to get up super early tomorrow to drop the shirts/bibs off before the race, after I get organized for the race here, I'm off to sleep.  Exciting Friday night ;)

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