Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday Musings #4 - what a rough one!

Monday workout
- 1 hour circuit class (lots of abs, shoulder press lunges, etc.)

Check out this awesome article.  8 Lessons Every Runner Should Learn

Today was a rough day.  My car wouldn't start this morning - I think it was just too cold.
After trying to get it started for awhile, I went inside and called the fiance in a panic since I needed to get to work for a meeting.  We ended up deciding I should just take his truck - it's new and we don't drive it much in the winter - it's more for hauling the boat in the summer.  Silly, but he loves it and treats it like a baby.

So I went out to his truck...and click, click, click...dead battery.  I thought it was a joke.  Vehicles, 2 - me, 0.  I went back in and called the fiance and came home from work, picked me up and dropped me off at work.  For the most part, the remainder of the day wasn't too bad but I did have to start planning for a big meeting we have at work in early summer and seeing as how it occurs the week before my wedding, I KNOW that's going to be a rough week.

After work, I went to the circuit class and pushed my body hard - it felt really good to channel my frustrations into my workout - post workout, I felt really good.  The fiance picked me up and we went and got take out, I got a salad and some yummy asparagus on the side, and he got a panini with some beans.
We are now catching up on our Olympics and trying to warm up!  On the upside, my Ragnar team has been chatting a bit lately and RAGNAR MADISON to CHICAGO begins in 115 days!  I cannot wait...

My car?  The fiance spent some time outside in the frigid air doing man tweaking stuff on my car and voila, she's back running like a champ :)  Now this weather just needs to warm up once and for all!

What's your favorite veggie?

Did you have a Monday workout or are Mondays your rest days?  They used to be mine until I decided to do this 100 day challenge, thanks to Jen...check out her blog :)


  1. I'm so over winter, it isn't even funny. When is your wedding? I just got married in October so I know how you feel having just gone through all of it. I am excited for you too. By far the best day of my life!

    1. I am too - it's just exhausting how cold it is! My best friend got married in October (2010) and it was absolutely BEAUTIFUL! My wedding is June 14th - ironically one week after I run Ragnar :) Next time we do a 100 day challenge, we should start it in May so we have 100 days of fabulous weather!
