Monday, September 8, 2014

Mission Metabolism Boot Camp, Day 1

Today's workout:
- 1 hour boot camp
- 20 min. stretching
- 10 min. foam rolling

I made the decision a couple weeks ago to begin doing other strengthening activities along with my running to keep myself injury free and in shape.  I was forced to take a few days off from running late last month due to a level 1 quad strain.  I was told by a PT that as far as injuries go, this was a good one to have.  Well, I suppose only having to take a few days off and use ice daily was ideal but it still wasn’t very much fun.  However, the PT told me that if I continued pushing it, I would end up having to take more time off.  For once I listened, and I am glad I did because I now feel great. 

That ‘injury’ really pushed me to realize that I need to be doing additional activities, I can just run and expect to be strong and sustain my current miles over the long term.  I went on Groupon because I’ve been finding some really good deals there lately.  I was in luck and found this boot camp only a couple miles from my house with sessions that worked with my schedule.  I did my first class this morning (I am in a six week session and classes occur every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 5:45 to 6:45 a.m.).  I am hoping that at the end of the six weeks and 18 classes, that I feel stronger and more capable of doing these HIIT workouts on my own. 

While I did not enjoy waking up at 5:15 on a Monday, I really do enjoy the class and feel like I got/will get a lot out of it.  It also felt awesome to have my Monday workout complete before 7:00 a.m.  The instructor really knows what he’s doing and he has certain levels for all of the stations which ensures that the class caters to everyone.  I love classes that allow you to get what you choose to put into it as opposed to the classes that go slower to allow everyone to keep up. 

After class, I went home to get ready for work and had a few minutes to spare to get this post done.  I also saw this tank top online and if I survive this class an accomplish my weight loss and toning goal, I am going to reward myself with it.

I am considering signing up for Tough Mudder in May and this class will be a good kick start to that training.

Have you ever done a boot camp training class or Tough Mudder?  Thoughts?

Have a great week!

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